Good Morning Essential Oil Diffuser Blend
3 parts lemon essential oil
3 parts basil essential oil
2 parts peppermint essential oil
1 part lime essential oil
Mix all together and then diffuse in your favorite essential oil aromatherapy diffuser.
Lemon essential oil comes from the cold-pressing the lemon peel and not the inner fruit. Lemon is best known for it’s ability to cleanse toxins from any part of the body and is widely used to stimulate lymph drainage, to rejuvenate energy, purify skin and act as a bug repellent. Breathing in (diffusing) the scent of lemon essential oils improves neurological activity that promotes the breakdown of body fat .Lemon oil can be used as teeth whitener, laundry freshener, cellulite cream, face wash and household cleaner. Some of the other benefits of lemon oil are it is cleansing and purifying, it is an oral health and remedy for halitosis (bad breath), improves digestion ,it is a thirst quencher, a remedy for abdominal colic pain, cough reliever, calms stomach and relieves nausea, prevents malabsorption, nourishes the skin, and promotes weight loss.
Basil essential oil has the ability to treat nausea, motion sickness, indigestion, constipation, respiratory problems, and diabetes. Basil oil is also a good source of Vitamin A, magnesium, potassium, iron, and calcium.Basil essential oil improves skin tone and protects against acne, effective in providing relief from colds, influenza and fevers, helps relieve stress and depression, provides relief from pain, good treatment for itching from insect bites, improves blood circulation, aids in improving eye health, prevents nausea caused by motion sickness.
Peppermint Oil (Mentha aquatica) are gathered by steam distillation of the fresh aerial parts of the flowering plant. Peppermint essential oil gives a cooling sensation and has a calming effect on the body, which can relieve sore muscles when used topically. It also has antimicrobial properties so it can help freshen bad breath and soothe digestive issues. Peppermint oil is recommended for its anti-nausea benefits and soothing effects on the gastric lining and colon because of its ability to reduce muscle spasms. The health benefits of peppermint oil as well as peppermint oil uses have been documented back to 1,000 BC and have been found in several Egyptian pyramids.
Lime essential oil Citrus Aurantifolia is extracted by cold compression of fresh lime peels or by steam distillation of its dried peels. Limes are full of antioxidants and other beneficial nutrients. Lime essential oil increases hunger, prevents aging, helps restore energy, reduces pain in muscles and joints, prevents and fights viral infections ,and promotes blood coagulation.