Spicy Citrus Essential Oil Blend
2 Parts Lemon Essential Oil
2 Parts Lime Essential Oil
1 Part Cinnamon Essential Oil
Blend all together and diffuse.
Lemon essential oil comes from the cold-pressing the lemon peel and not the inner fruit. The peel is the most nutrient dense portion of the lemon in terms of fat soluble phytonutrients. Lemon is best known for it’s ability to cleanse toxins from any part of the body and is widely used to stimulate lymph drainage, to rejuvenate energy, purify skin and act as a bug repellant. Breathing in (diffusing) the scent of lemon essential oils improves neurological activity that promotes the breakdown of body fat .Lemon oil is one of the most “essential” oils to have on hand and can be used as teeth whitener, laundry freshener, cellulite cream, face wash and household cleaner. Some of the other benefits of lemon oil are it is cleansing and purifiying, it is an oral health and remedy for halitosis (bad breath), improves digestion ,it is a thirst quencher, a remedy for abdominal colic pain, cough reliever, calms stomach and relieves nausea, prevents malabsorption, nourishes the skin, and promotes weight loss.
Lime essential oil Citrus Aurantifolia is extracted by cold compression of fresh lime peels or by steam distillation of its dried peels. Limes are full of antioxidants and other beneficial nutrients. Lime essential oil increases hunger, prevents aging, helps restore engery, reduces pain in muscles and joints, prevents and fights viral infections, promotes blood coagulation, and is useful in treating food poisoning & typhoid.
Cinnamon bark oil (Cinnamomum verum) is derived from the plant of the species name Laurus cinnamomum and belongs to the Lauraceae botanical family. The oil itself especially has strong antiparasitic, anti-inflammatory, antiplatelet and antiviral properties, which makes it extremely useful for enhancing immunity. The major active ingredients in cinnamon essential oil responsible for its beneficial effects include: eugenol, cinnamaldehyde, phellandrene and methyleugenol. Some of the most researched health benefits of cinnamon oil include: decreases inflammation, increases circulation, fights viruses, fights free radicals, relieves, depression, stimulates the immune system, stimulates libido, fights parasites.
Blending all three of these oil together makes for an invigorating spicy scent to give you the boost you need to get up in the morning or make it through the afternoon.
Editor’s Note/Disclaimer: The information in this article is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition and before undertaking any diet, supplement, fitness, or other health programs. Diffuser World and the ownership of Diffuser World will make no specific medical claim or provide any medical advice. Articles contributed to this platform may be provided by third parties and do not necessarily represent the opinions or beliefs of any Diffuser World representative or the ownership of Diffuser World. Please seek out a medical professional or veterinary professional regarding any questions you may have about the use of any products sold by Diffuser World.
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