A sunburn can be very painful. Use of essential oils for sunburn helps to treat them naturally while keeping your skin flawless, glowing, and supple. Therapeutic essential oils help to improve the skin quality as they contain anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, anti-fungal, and antibacterial properties.
In an attempt to get relief from sunburn quickly, people don’t hesitate to use cosmetics like creams, salves, and lotions, as well as undergo certain medical and chemical procedures, but these can have many side effects. Therefore, a natural and safe cure is to use essential oils for sunburn. Many of these oils contain cooling properties, they offer you immediate relief from sunburn. These essential oils hydrate your skin and make it look healthy and glowing.
Lavender essential oil is known to be a great healer for all kinds of skin ailments such as bug bites, itching, stretch marks and more. It is also perfect for sunburns. It calms the skin and helps it heal faster than aloe vera gel alone.
Lavender Essential Oil also reduces the amount of peeling and itching you will suffer after a sunburn if you apply immediately. Frequent use can also reduce the amount of scarring.
Peppermint Essential Oil is an instant soother. It helps to stop your skin from continuing to burn. But it also has an instant cooling effect that helps your skin from hurting. It penetrates and soothes the pain.
Together, the lavender essential oil and peppermint essential oil make a great team by:
After you add the Aloe Vera Gel into the jar then you will add 15 drops of pure Lavender Essential Oil. Add 15 drops of Pure Peppermint Essential Oil. With a stick or back end of a spoon stir until the oils and aloe vera are mixed well. It will turn your Aloe Vera slightly cloudy. Then Seal the lid and it is ready to use!
Apply the Sunburn Relief Gel after you have spent time in the sun. It will help to condition your skin. It is especially important to apply instantly after sunburn, then continue to apply every few hours or whenever the sunburn is causing pain, feels dry, or itches. Not only will your skin look and feel amazing, but it will also smell amazing! It is very light and refreshing. Store the sealed jars in a cupboard away from sunlight. For extra soothing, store in the refrigerator.
Editor’s Note/Disclaimer: The information in this article is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition and before undertaking any diet, supplement, fitness, or other health programs. Diffuser World and the ownership of Diffuser World will make no specific medical claim or provide any medical advice. Articles contributed to this platform may be provided by third parties and do not necessarily represent the opinions or beliefs of any Diffuser World representative or the ownership of Diffuser World. Please seek out a medical professional or veterinary professional regarding any questions you may have about the use of any products sold by Diffuser World.
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