Our senses are hugely important to our experience, feelings, and perception of love. Sight and touch are perhaps the most easily called upon senses. Taste and pleasure go hand in hand, as our bodies have appetites…in many ways. Hearing words and sounds has a great impact on the depth of our feelings. But it is our sense of scent that if often under-appreciated and under-utilized.
3 parts Ylang Ylang
3 parts Sweet Orange
3 parts Lavender
Mix all together and diffuse in your Aroma-Infinity essential oil diffuser.
What we smell triggers extremely powerful messages to and from the brain. Some aromas bring to mind memories and feelings of another time and place. Others prompt the release of chemicals that bring emotions and desires to the surface. The smell of coffee, freshly cut grass, pumpkin pie, certain perfumes of people in our past…this sense is connected to the limbic region of our brain (the emotional part) and is pretty much out of our hands once we catch a whiff. The nose knows. Thank you, olfactory system!
“We can be tricked by what we see and hear but not by what we smell.” – Madonna
In fact, smells play such a key role in human attraction at the scientific level. Research on pheromones – the unique chemical signals of attraction which are released and detected by others – is so interesting. How incredible that such chemical communication can guide nature’s breeding in the animal (and plant) kingdom! Although not fully understood in humans, this is a fun read about how smells can help women sniff out compatible mating partners, reproductively-speaking.
With smell, perhaps the most primal of our senses, aromatherapy can reveal a whole other level to intimacy. But essential oils are more than just a scent.
Editor’s Note/Disclaimer: The information in this article is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition and before undertaking any diet, supplement, fitness, or other health programs. Diffuser World and the ownership of Diffuser World will make no specific medical claim or provide any medical advice. Articles contributed to this platform may be provided by third parties and do not necessarily represent the opinions or beliefs of any Diffuser World representative or the ownership of Diffuser World. Please seek out a medical professional or veterinary professional regarding any questions you may have about the use of any products sold by Diffuser World.
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