Whether you are traveling to see family and friends or staying home and enjoying some down time, the meaning of the holiday season is beautiful. This is our time to celebrate the beauty in what we have, who we have in our lives, give gifts of appreciation to those we love and appreciate, and what can be in the new years to follow!
We have all been through a different experience in the past few years that is truly unprecedented in our lifetime due to the pandemic. You may be relieved to see that our country and others as well seem to be recovering. We all have been affected by loss in many ways since the beginning of the pandemic. However, as we near the end of 2021, we are looking forward to celebrating another new year as in a few short weeks, the hustle and bustle of the holiday season will be behind us. We look forward to planning for our best lives in the future! We at the Essentials and Diffuser World wish the best in all things for you! We hope to be part of your holiday plans and wellness regimen in the future! For our subscribers we have some SPECIAL OFFERS this Holiday Season. We want to be more INCLUSIVE of our subscribers while providing EXCLUSIVE OFFERS that will be available throughout the rest of 2021!
Will 2021 prove to be the year that officially marked the end of the starving artist paradigm? From digital content creators to the rise of NFTs, the transformation of the digital realm and the manner in which we digest content and appreciate creativity has changed.
The internet has provided us the ability to find almost anything based on our interests, yet there are still creatives that struggle finding an outlet for their art. In a recent Forbes Article...
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In a recent Forbes Article written by Naimeesha Murthy, Creator at Products by Women & Full Ritúal, entitiled, "The Continuous Growth And Future Of The Creator Economy", there are interesting insights about how creativity is now more affordable than ever with technology enabling better tools to create and deliver visual content, film, and music. Content Creation, as a business model, often referred to as the creator economy, which represents a mere fraction of the total US gig economy, is expected to exceed more than one hundred billion in 2021.
Content creators that consistently produce and publish fresh material have the opportunity to truly engage with authenticity. Creators in almost any niche are building audiences that identify with them, want to learn from them, or even aspire to even emulate those creators. Creators' brands are in part their own, in part the clothing they wear, the materials they are using to create, their mode(s) of transportation, where they are staying, their own lifestyle can truly be part of their own brand curation. Brands want to be associated with the types of creators that they believe perpetuate the lifestyle image(s) of their own products, services, brands, etc. 'Repping a brand' today can be truly authentic without lowering any standards that the creators believe in. In today's market, in the creator economy, creators need not worry about corporate sponsorships turning them into 'sellouts'.
There are opportunities for artists, musicians, content creators to earn money in ways that have not been as readily available in the past. With that being said, it isn't necessarily easy to accomplish monetization for artists that lack certain aspects of technical proficiency. While today there are freelancers sites a plenty, the ability to monetize beyond earning project only based compensation truly requires a dedication to a craft and the marketing to go along with it for optimal monetization. the Essentials has strived to produce meaningful content that is interesting, informative and insightful.
To stay on top of your game and excel in a career where competition is always changing, always adapting and continuing to incorporate new technology, we must keep evolving and pushing ourselves. Thought and creativity coupled with constant learning, be it with tech or in cooperation with technically proficient allies, team members or partnerships allow us to keep pushing past previous creative boundaries.
Brands have been able to build from inception to prominence while creating brand equity and efficacy through social media. A brand truly has reached the level of true recognition when it has the power to elicit a response. A response does not necessarily mean a purchase! An emotional or even a visceral response means that our brain has received stimuli that has created associations strong enough to engage our consciousness and attention beyond that of a brand's name, logo, or slogan. While the term Brand Ambassador or Influencer have perhaps taken on negative connotations in some circles, a true Content Creator has the ability to separate themselves an possibly their team through effectively combining their artistic vision with businesses and brands that are on message and on point with proper collaboration.
December 10th
"It is impossible to struggle for civil rights, equal rights for blacks, without including whites. Because equal rights, fair play, justice, are all like the air: we all have it, or none of us has it. That is the truth of it."
Maya Angelou
Inevitably, we all will likely be caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. Possibly going over the river and through the woods to grandmothers houses in various places all around the world. As we go we need to keep our balance. Planning for yourself and your needs, amongst all else, is Essential.
Take some time for yourself before you go to plan your food intake, sleep, work, and exercise schedule. The better you are able to incorporate your routines in a holiday season that inevitably will have some impact on your routine, the better you will be able to enjoy the time with family and friends while also eliminating additional stresses that can impact your days.
Remember your enjoyment in the travel means being able to take it all in without being exhausted or out of your own bodies normal routines for optimal results. If you have felt out of sort for some time, the holidays are also a time to reset and plan for improvements and adjustments in the new year!
Gratitude is the true meaning of our existence, we wouldn't have anything if not for those who came before us so it is truly the practice of being thankful. Joy can be achieved without expectation or the notion of having earned or feeling we deserve something more. We can always work to have more sure, but this season, we want to enjoy the gift of the people in our lives that mean the most!
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